What we offer

A personal mentor

The fastest way to a successful Forex career is to have a mentor. You can always ask your mentor all your questions and have a weekly live call via Zoom.

From A to Z, your mentor will guide you through the entire process. This way you’ll never run in to uncertainties!

A learning environment full of video content

More than 200+ hours of recorded video content can be found in our learning environment to further enhance your learning.

Recorded team trainings, trade analyses, tools we use and explanations of the full strategy are all waiting for you!

A passionate community

Surround yourself in our community with students walking the same path as you. Every day, you’ll find learning lessons from fellow students and analysis from both unexperienced & advanced traders!

Pull yourself up by the learning lessons shared in the community by your fellow students or share the questions you have and get answers almost instantly!

Step 1

Teaching the strategy

The first  is all about strategy. You will be given insights & assignments, we will review your assignments and we will see where your weaknesses and strengths lie. Only after you fully understand and can implement the strategy we will move to the next step.

Step 2

Drawing up a trade plan

A personal trade plan is our roadmap of rules for trading the market. The plan spells out from A to Z what you should & shouldn’t do so you start trading like a robot. The trade plan is there so you can always fall back on it to deal with certain situations. A black&white trade plan is one of the most important elements of trading!

Step 3

Bringing consistency and routine

Consistency and routine will ensure that you bring out the best in yourself. By doing this carefully, you will know where your weaknesses lie and what you need to work on to become an even better trader. Through consistency and routine, you will become a profitable trader.

Step 4

Learning about market and trading psychology

This topic is very important because everyone reacts differently. Some suffer from FOMO or greed and others have fear of trading and losing money, which is why we have added this element to our training. In this element, we go deep into psychology to let you learn how to deal with the market and to help you make the right decisions.

Step 5

Becoming a funded trader

After we have mastered everything and are sure of our business, we will work together to make you a funded trader. Being a funded trader means that you are going to trade with a large capital, think of a capital of €10,000 to €200,000. It is up to you how much capital you want to trade with.